Do we need followers? Meet Bobby Joe Neely, he exists on his own.

If, I mean a big IF, we got a family member to follow us (I mentioned it to my sister...no response) is that a good thing? Peter Vidmar talks about stop watching "the other guy".

I have been rearranging my place for the inevitable merge. If my second floor neighbors above seamlessly become my one story roommates, then they need space for their things. So, I have moved furniture to best "relate " to their perceived space. I can only guess on the decoration deciphered from muffled noises. The coordination is not as important as being able to communicate before and after. Hello, what was your name, again? Pleasure to have you in your/my home. Here are 2 scans from Jean Holabird's understanding of how Vladimir Nabokov mixed senses and processed language.

Long story...thanks for the clarification
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