Sunday, March 28, 2010
practice co-dependency
Co-dependency of practices - Sarah Morris makes paintings and films. The films are implied narrative explorations of the parts of a city; the thoroughfares, the inhabitants, the interiors spaces and back out to the aura of the entire space. She uses repeating sound tracks and what would be considered b-roll footage to give a specificity to location. The paintings are linear geometric abstractions that resemble reflections across mirrored skyscrapers and other buildings' windows.
What is fascinating about this work is how the two practices, very different in production and outcomes, need each other. Here are two paintings and her first two films, AM/PM and Midtown.
AM/PM (1999)
Midtown (1998)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Is there anybody that has never pulled an all-nighter? I used to think it was so cool, when I was ten. However, now it is my worst nightmare. I don't know how many all nighters I pulled in grad school, I don't even want to go there... and some of this time I don't even remember (staying up 3 days in a row means memory loss, so don't do it, although quite amazing what our body can do...) I am very much over it. The worst part is not keeping yourself awake all night especially if you are super busy, it's not even the next day. But the one after that! All in all it takes a few days to get back on track, it really throws you off.
So why would you do it? Deadlines, helping someone else finishing a deadline... for who would you pull an all-nighter? Lover, friend, family... yourself, a job, nobody?
Pulling an all-nighter for someone is probably one of the most dedicated thing you could possibly do... it's more than cooking a 5 * meal for someone, more than throwing a surprise party for someone, looking after their dog for weeks,...
"Top 47 Worst Reasons to Pull an All-Nighter" by Jeremy "Shaggy" Toeman
- Heated "Less-filling" "Tastes great" debate.
- Need to figure out which way is east. Wait for sunrise.
- Watching Professional Wrestling.
- Writing script to "Problem Child 3" in an attempt to put to rest all the unanswered questions from 1 and 2.
- Cramming for a test you have the following week.
- Waiting for friend to call back with answer to "How do you keep an idiot up all night?"
- Anything involving Latin, Taylor's series, or heat transfer.
- Attempting to discover how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
- Slightly confused on that whole 5 o'clock shadow thing.
- Listening to every CD you own using that cool "intro" feature that comes in so handy with every CD player available.
- John Wayne-a-thon on channel 2.
- Trying to figure out all the words to that Nirvana song.
- UCBTalking to anyone you won't ever spend intimate time with. Same goes for IRC and Broadcast.
- Watering plants. Dead plants. Rocks. Dirt. The cat.
- Trying to draw a perfect circle freehand, with crayons.
- Singing along with "Achy Breaky Heart" over and over again. What catchy lyrics that song has, eh?
- Second-guessing your clock. (Also works well with Traffic Lights, and simply anything that blinks on and off forever)
- Driving to every 7-11 (or Circle K) in town, just to check that they are being faithful to their "Open 24 Hours" policies.
- Trying to figure out just why Wil Wheaton is a star.
- Pricking yourself with a pin every 5 minutes, just for the heck of it.
- Reading all the articles in your entire College Newspaper collection to see how relevant they are to today's economy.
- Thinking about ways the world would be different if there was no cement.
- Spelunking. In your basement.
- Price shopping for beef jerky at any 24-hour supermarkets.
- Thinking about that 14-year old brat who sent in $1000 to Clinton, when you splurge on a Whopper Combo.
- Pulling out each strand in a Koosh ball. Reassemble the koosh ball. Repeat. Juggle on occasion.
- Pretending it is really 12 hours later than it is. (i.e. Going to classes, eating lunch, waiting for the soaps to come on...)
- Just watching that flashing 12:00 on your VCR because you looked at your other clocks already, and are simply looking for a second opinion.
- Rearranging your room all night long, attempting to make the WORST setup possible, just to show that you would do such a thing.
- Learn how to communicate better with the animal kingdom.
- Trying to figure out how that counter works on a VCR. Once you do figure it out, borrow a friend's VCR. Repeat until insane.
- Memorizing all the area codes. (Other good things: local phone prefixes, zip codes, time zones, etc...)
- Wanting to see cool times on your clock like 1:23, 6:66, 4:56, 00:69, 6:30, etc... (If you actually look for some of these times, you may end up waiting more than all night...)
- Pulling all your hair out so you can organize it by color, length, thickness, straightness. Continue doing so until they haul you off to the loony bin.
- Learning sanskrit, serbo-croatian, ancient French, Klingon, or any other language you probably won't have much call for.
- Anything that has to do with Star Trek. (especially watching Star Trek 5 or 1, really... or that Deep Space show....)
- Catching up with all those missed episodes of Coach you taped, so you can follow along with the current, in-depth plotline.
- Buying large amounts of bubble wrap, popping it ALL, then using it to ship stuff. Breakable stuff.
- You have a life, yet you spend it reading lists like this.
- Getting high on Marks-A-Lot markers.
- Holding yourself hostage, but not telling anyone. Make large demands.
- Trying to find food combinations that taste really bad.
- Pondering all the hardships Michael Jackson has gone through in his life. Writing him a sympathy card would be a nice touch.
- House of cards.
- Reliving the war. Any war. Maybe a childhood schoolyard fight. Maybe just you stubbing your toe on that couch again.
- Playing with heat-sensitive toys.
- Writing the last three items to make this list at "Top 50 list". Be creative.
The Very First Time I Pull An All Nighter
Health Risks Undertaken to Pull an All Nighter
By Danny Daily
Our body is a complex machine, the functions of which are of a highly complicated and sophisticated nature. Each organ is connected to the other in more ways than one. In order to function properly it requires considerable amount of care and maintenance, coupled with rest and rejuvenation. That explains why, a full eight hour restful sleep at night is recommended by most health practitioners in order to lead a healthy and disease-free life. If your work schedule or study commitments force you to pull an all nighter quite often, it can tell very badly on your health.
The moment to plan to stay up all night, you're tampering with the normal resting cycle your body is otherwise used to. Though, doing it once a week will not have any seemingly grave impacts other than tiredness and fatigue, you should try not to repeat it often. Staying up for 3 to 4 consecutive nights can cause acute sleep deprivation, leading to severe outcomes. You could experience hallucinations, memory lapses and even complete loss of memory in the attempt to pull an all nighter. This happens due the extreme fatigue and lack of rest, your mind has been subjected to. It overworks, gets tired and fails to store information. As simple as that...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tickles...that is kind of awkward
Do we need followers? Meet Bobby Joe Neely, he exists on his own.
If, I mean a big IF, we got a family member to follow us (I mentioned it to my response) is that a good thing? Peter Vidmar talks about stop watching "the other guy".
I have been rearranging my place for the inevitable merge. If my second floor neighbors above seamlessly become my one story roommates, then they need space for their things. So, I have moved furniture to best "relate " to their perceived space. I can only guess on the decoration deciphered from muffled noises. The coordination is not as important as being able to communicate before and after. Hello, what was your name, again? Pleasure to have you in your/my home. Here are 2 scans from Jean Holabird's understanding of how Vladimir Nabokov mixed senses and processed language.
Long story...thanks for the clarification
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Being impressed and a little scared at the same time
Which things might have caused such a vibrant pallet of feelings, perhaps:
Watching a marathon runner that didn't look like one , walking past your neighbors tip top entrance front every day, reading the latest futuristic article in the NY Times, biting into a vegan cupcake, a blogger, walking down and up the Grand Canyon in one day, being allowed to launch an airspace shuttle, etc. ...
But what does this mean, 2 opposite words "saladed" together.
Lets looks at them seperately:
Tim Burton thinks being scarred is a good thing:
While the Blow Monkeys say: Don't Be Scared of Me:
Being scared could lead into fear and in the worst case steal your dreams:
fear is the thief of dreams:
some people also get a joy out of scaring other people:
Don''t be scared....:
Or watching others being scarred:
little boy being scared:
Looking at "impressed" without being scarred
Nathan Baker says: I am impressed by window washers:
A truck can be impressive too: Impressive Truck Climb:
Impressive girl archer:
Pretty impressive...:
Is it being in a situation, not knowing the outcome, not knowing if it'll be good or bad,not knowing anything but enjoying whatever this situation is?or...
Friday, March 19, 2010
things to do if you are not running a marathon
2. listen to the beta band, the three eps.
3. make a no knead loaf of bread (recommended)
4. quilt mr. roosevelt’s necktie.
5. catch up on episodes of the 'bu.
7. avoid sunset, take fountain!
8. run it anyway and just use more ice...then start with the top of the list, you won't be moving for a while.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lets give Comic Sans one more chance
How much power do you have to change someones image/life!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Between You and Me
a project about objects of co-dependency by FROMKEETRA
Just keeping an eye on you.
I've got your back.
Green - the color of spring:
Its not easy being green 1. here.
green-porno 2. here.
"Green Grass Grows" 3. here.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
a small goal in 3s
white vanning interior 1 here.
white operatic winged horse 2 here.
white 6 year old Jordy 3 here.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
sink to win
ShedBoatShed - he disassembled a shed, build a boat, sailed it, disassembled the boat, and then made a shed. Good animation here.
Sometimes it takes a dismantling of objects to find the tickle.